Where School is FUN!

Welcome to our preschool blog, where everything is OkyDoky! •Share Stories•Post Pictures•Order Books•Share Thoughts•Have Fun

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Katy's First Week...Whew!

Hey all!

Thanks for being so understanding with me while 1) being sick, 2) being stretched with work, & 3) being totally stressed out!  Your kids are SO amazing and i LOVED teaching them about the grocery store, the Letter H, and the Number 4!


Brandon, "H is a coconut, a letter in the alphabet!"


Friday, September 16, 2011

Fun with Crafts!

Hey Ladies!  If you're anything like me, I am HORRIBLE when it comes to creating crafts on my own!  But I do like to *surf* the internet and find fun craft ideas to copy-cat.

Here are some good internet sites for fun craft ideas:

Michael's Arts & Crafts

Family Fun


Enchanted Learning

First-School (used by many kindergarten programs)

Everything Preschool

Preschool Express

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Book Orders!!!

Hello All!  I thought I might share Adelie's book orders with you all, since the books featured are pre-k and Kindergarten level.  I think there will be book orders every couple of months, so don't worry about this being your only chance to order!

I need to have everyone's order by TUESDAY, SEPT 13th.  The order needs to be one big check so give me the cash or a check made out to Katy Craner.  Please leave a comment with your name and what books you want!

Reading is the best thing we can do to help develop literacy, grammar, and vocabulary!!!

Happy Reading!


Some suggestions:

$1 - The Biggest Apple

$3 - Huggapotamus

$4 - Splat the Cat, Back to School Splat

$10 - Welcome, Fall!  Nonfiction Set

$4 - LMNO Peas

$15 - Rhyming Favorites Pack (a personal favorite!!!  I have all three!)

$15 - September Book & CD Library, Big Scary Monster/The Leaves on the Trees/Huggapotamus books & CD set.  Great for in the car.

$16 - Five Senses Pack
